7 Ways to Repair Your Relationship with Food ...

Neecey Sep 24, 2012

7 Ways to Repair Your Relationship with Food ...
7 Ways to Repair Your Relationship with Food ...

Everybody has their own relationship with food. Some have a bad relationship with eating whilst others have a positive outlook to food. It does seem that we either can eat what we like, or have to count every calorie. The trouble is we can’t ignore it – we simply just have to have some kind of relationship with food to live. If you don’t think your attitude to eating is a good one, or you think you could use some help with a few adjustments, here are 7 Ways to Repair your Relationship with Food.

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1. Be Kind to Yourself

Overly critical people don’t allow themselves to make the smallest of mistakes and put so much pressure on themselves to be perfect, and this includes their outlook to food. People can be very damaging in their self-talk, and it needs to be okay to eat everything in moderation. No foods should be banned, otherwise you just end up feeling bitter and deprived.

2. Stay Away from Every Single Diet

This doesn’t mean that you must stop eating healthily, but you must steer away from the numbers. Dieting is all about numbers and weighing yourself and your food. It can make you obsessive and anxious. Instead, just sit back and relax. Tone down your approach to food; eat carbs, have a piece of cake, but eat healthily to feel and look good, and your attitude will follow.

3. Check Your Emotions

Are you hungry, lonely, tired, emotional or angry? These are all very strong emotions that will fuel our will to eat something, anything, and everything. Check your emotions first; work out if you are comfort eating or if you are really genuinely hungry. Understand your relationship with food and know your triggers. This will help you slowly but surely ditch the bad eating habits.

4. Drink Water

A lot of the time we think that we are hungry when we are actually just thirsty and on our way to becoming dehydrated. Our brain can’t figure out the proper signals and we munch down on a nice juicy cheeseburger, when we would have snapped right out of our fatigued funk after a few glasses of water.

5. Start a Food Diary

Keeping track of what you are eating, how you are feeling at the time, and what you are craving will help you work out and identify a pattern in your relationship with food. Maybe you are craving sweet things in afternoon slump time, which could indicate that you are not getting enough fluids, or not having a big enough lunch.

6. Exercise

When we exercise, we don’t feel like guzzling wine and pizza; we feel good, we feel great, and we feel like a salad. Healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand and the one will motivate you to keep up with the other and help you banish bad eating habits for good. Jump rope in the garden, run up and down the stairs, get the kids out into the fresh air, take the dog for a walk, climb a mountain – just get moving.

7. Plan for What You Want

Decide what it is that you want out of your life, and remember that how you live, is how you age. So if you are lying on the couch with a bag of crisps and a bottle of soda pop every night, chances are you are not feeling or looking the best you can. Make a plan, stick to it and you will be fast on your way to repairing your relationship with food.

It takes effort to build a good relationship with food, especially if you have been nursing a bad relationship with eating in the past. If you are trying to patch up your feelings about food, don’t make a meal of it (groan!) Approach things sensibly, change your attitude, and it won’t be as hard to repair your relationship with food and get rid of bad eating habits as you might have thought.

Top Image Source: bentrovatoblog.com

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