When selecting a nutrition plan, and trying to eat healthy, you might be confused by the abundance of information out there. Every single diet is different, which can make it hard for many of us to know what’s the best way to eat. When selecting a nutrition plan, keep these things below in mind. I think you’ll quickly see that when done correctly, the process is actually quite simple, no matter how overwhelming it actually seems.
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1. Cost
One of the most obvious things to look at when selecting a nutrition plan is cost. If a plan is going to ask you to buy a lot of high end equipment like a juicer, dehydrator, or a bunch of fancy knives, maybe it’s not for you. Or, if it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg in grass-fed meat or superfoods, it might not be for you. Look at your budget and see what you’re willing to sacrifice in your life to dedicate to a healthy lifestyle. Then, look at the nutrition plans available and make the best decision from there.
2. Time
How much time are you willing to dedicate to a healthy lifestyle and a nutrition plan? I believe allotting a certain amount of time for meal prep each week is essential to eating smart. It can also be done no matter how short of time you are, yet I realize for some people, they’re just not willing to give up their weekends to cook through the week, so you might need to select a plan that doesn’t require this. Whatever you choose, make sure that your time allowance and dedication goes along with the plan you choose. Otherwise, it won’t work and you’ll give up feeling defeated.
3. Taste
Let’s be honest, just because something is good for us, doesn’t mean our taste buds will agree. I think everyone should learn to try new fruits and vegetables, or they’ll never like them, but some things are exceptions. For example, I know how healthy beans are, and they’re also cheap and easy to prepare. I’ve eaten them plenty of times, but do I like them? No. Same goes for lean meat. I know the health benefits you can get from it, but I’ll never ever like it, so I don’t waste my time eating either beans or meat. Decide what you like and what you don’t, and as long as it’s healthy, be okay with whatever you decide.
4. Digestion
Now, let’s talk about one of the most important things to consider when selecting a nutrition plan - digestion. No matter how much you might like a food, or know how healthy it is, doesn’t mean your body will agree. It’s just a fact. Whatever you choose, be sure it doesn’t leave you uncomfortable or sick. No nutrition plan is worth that - period.
5. Long Term Maintenance
One thing I’ve noticed about many nutrition plans is that they’re easy to follow at first and even enjoyable, but over time, they get really old, really quick. For instance,let's look at the low carb diet. I think this approach has its benefits most definitely, but long term, it gets really old to most people. If you’re going to choose a low-carb plan, it’s important to rotate what low-carb foods you eat so you’re not eating the same thing all the time. The same goes for any other plan. Or, if you’ve decided to go raw, you might find yourself conflicted because you miss hot food at times. The best way to fight this struggle is to embrace balance instead of rigid plans. Anything you can’t maintain, isn’t going to be something you’’ll have long term success with.
6. Safety
I’m not talking about food safety here, but health safety smarts. How safe is the diet you’re on? Is it extremely low calorie, a bit extreme, or even just downright ludicrous? Eating cabbage soup for your meals, only 500 calories a day, or raw meats and eggs might not be the healthiest dietary choices to make, yet many people do because of the health claims. When it comes to food, be smart, The best way to select a nutrition plan is one that is healthy AND safe, not one or the other.
7. Sugar Consumption
Many diets are very high in natural sugars from excess grains, fruits, and even maple syrup or agave. I always suggest staying away from these, no matter how popular they are. For one, sugar can interfere with weight gain, no matter how natural it is, fruit or not. Another issue is hormonal balance. Any excess sugars in the diet that aren’t used for immediate energy are stored as excess weight, and can cause too much insulin to be produced. This can upset your hormone balance and lead to anything from blood sugar problems, to acne, to mood swings and even menstrual problems. Moderate your sugar in all forms, even if it comes from healthy sources like fruit. Many people tolerate fruit better than others, so be aware of how your body works before you make the best decision for you.
I always suggest staying away from diets and just eating clean. This makes things simple, easy, affordable, and it is easy for anyone to customize to their budget and their lifestyle. If you’d like some tips on eating healthy, feel free to browse around our health or diet sections here on All Women Stalk. We’ve got a huge amount of information here that might help you select a nutrition plan a little easier. You can find them here: diet.allwomenstalk.com and here: health.allwomenstalk.com. What’s the number one thing you look for when selecting a nutrition plan?