5 Super Simple Tips for Eating Healthier ...

Debra Mar 4, 2018

5 Super Simple Tips for Eating Healthier  ...
5 Super Simple Tips for Eating Healthier  ...

I think we could all use some simple tips for healthier eating. Do you have a busy lifestyle? Do you want to eat healthier, but you don't have a lot of time to put into it? No worries! There are easy ways to eat healthier without spending a bunch of time or shelling out major bucks! Here are the best simple tips for healthier eating.

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1. Cut out Soft Drinks

One of my favorite simple tips for healthier eating is to quit drinking soda. You will be surprised at how much better you will feel for cutting out soft drinks. They are loaded with sugar and caffeine. One can of soda can be anywhere from 170-300 calories. These are just empty calories that are not providing any nutritional value. On a 2000 calorie diet, look at how many calories you could be wasting on soda alone. There is no substitute for drinking plenty of water.

2. Cut out Fast Food

This doesn't mean that you can't eat out, but let's face it there's nothing healthy about a burger and fries, which can many times push 800-1000 calories.

3. Meal Prep

Trust me! I get it! It's hard to cook a healthy dinner every single night. Why not try meal prepping one day a week for the entire week. You will not only not have to worry about what you're eating for lunch or dinner that night, but you will also be less tempted to grab fast food out of convenience.

4. Keep Your Body on a Routine

We are creatures of habit. Ever notice when the time changes, you still get hungry at the "old" time? Getting your body used to a routine means that you will less likely become hungry at random times, meaning it will be easier to turn down unhealthy snack options.

5. Pay Attention to What You're Eating

Pay attention to the nutritional information on the food you are consuming. Be sure the foods you are consuming have nutritional value and aren't empty calories that aren't serving any purpose.

Keeping these 5 tips in mind is an easy way to get on the path to healthier eating. How far you take it, is up to you! Here's to healthier eating!

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