8 Easy Ways to Add More Water to Your Diet ...


8 Easy Ways to Add More Water to Your Diet ...
8 Easy Ways to Add More Water to Your Diet ...

Have you been looking for ways to add more water to your diet? If so, you're not alone. Like so many, I find it difficult to drink an adequate amount of water each day. I do have some tips that I use for motivation to drink more water that may work for you too. Here are 8 ways to add more water to your diet.

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1. Carry Water with You

Taking water wherever you go is one of the easiest ways to add more water to your diet. You'll be more likely to drink it and less tempted to indulge in other drinks, like soft drinks and juices. If you don't like carrying a disposable bottled water, carry a reusable one instead. Be sure to choose a bottle that you love. Some people like using filtered bottles, so they can refill them at different locations. Others like using insulated bottles, which will keep your water cold for several hours.

2. Get a Water App

Do you have a free water app? If not, you should check them out. Downloading a water app is a great way to keep track of your water intake. You'll be able to calculate your water needs or use the amount the app recommends. You can also set up alarms that will remind you when it is time to drink more water. If you don't have a smartphone, the alarm on your cell phone is another great way to set reminders.

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3. Flavored Water

I must confess, I don't like the taste of plain water, so I usually add something to it for flavor. Sometimes I like to add in slices of fresh fruit like lemons and limes. When I drink orange juice, I like to mix 4 ounces of orange juice and 4 ounces of water together. This not only helps me get in some of my water for the day, but saves me a few calories too. From time to time, I like to add sugar free Kool-Aid packets to my water to give it a stronger flavor.

4. Switch Brands

If you've been drinking the same brand of water for years, consider making a switch. This will allow you try something different and perhaps find a new favorite. Until about a year ago, I thought all water was the same. Therefore, I bought the cheapest brand that my local grocery store carries. After trying several different brands, I now see not all water is the same and you should purchase the ones you like the best, even if they are more expensive.

5. Use Rubber Bands as a Reminder

Using rubber bands to remind yourself to drink water is a little tip I saw on Dr.Oz. If you need 8 glasses of water each day, put 8 rubber bands around your arm. As you drink a glass of water, remove one of the rubber bands. Having the bands around your arm will be a constant reminder that you need to drink more water. If you don't like the idea of wearing rubber bands around your arm, try wearing bracelets instead.

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6. Sip Water at Meals

Some people like to drink water before they eat a meal, but I find it easier to sip on water during my meals. Mealtime is when I consume the bulk of my beverages, so I try to have water, instead of a soft drink. If you want to consume even more water, add something spicy to your meal. This will definitely make you want to drink more water. Drinking water during your meal will also help you feel fuller much quicker.

7. Eat Foods with a High Water Content

Eating foods that have a high water content is a great way to get more water in your system. Fruits like cantaloupe, grapefruit and watermelon are excellent choices. Having a salad with lots of vegetables is both healthy and a great way to increase your water consumption. Many soups, like chicken noodle, are good choices, as well. You'll find that some types yogurts have a high water content, too.

8. Take a Water to Bed

This is a tip I got from my mom. Unlike me, she finds it easy to consume enough water everyday. One way she does this is by taking a water to bed with her at night. When you do this, you'll be more likely to drink the water instead of getting up and drinking something else. You'll also be more likely to drink your water when you wake up in the morning because you'll already have it with you.

Drinking water helps prevent many diseases. It helps to get rid of toxins in our bodies, and gives us an energy boost. Do you have any tips that help you drink more water? I would love to hear your ideas.

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