7 Quick but Nutritious Breakfast Ideas ...


7 Quick but Nutritious Breakfast Ideas ...
7 Quick but Nutritious Breakfast Ideas ...

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but when we're in a hurry, we tend to skip it, and pay the price all day long. But why, when there are so many quick, Nutritious Breakfasts to be had, even on the go? Not sure what I mean? Keep reading! Here are 7 quick but nutritious breakfast ideas...

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Whether you spell it “yoghurt” or “yogurt,” the nutritious breakfast it can make is the same. Be sure to read labels before you buy (some are loaded with extra sugar and calories and fat), and keep a few in the fridge for those mornings when you're pressed for time.


Fresh Fruit

Bananas? Loaded with potassium. Oranges? Vitamin C and fiber. Blueberries and pomegranate arils? So many antioxidants! So why not keep a few of these on hand for the morning rush? They're delicious, easy to take along, and so healthy!



I love granola cereal, though it's not nearly as handy to carry in your handbag or gym bag as a granola bar. Again, just like with the yoghurt, you have to be careful to choose granola without added sugar, but if you get the right one, you'll be so glad you did! The whole grains will keep you feeling full and satisfied, and you'll have loads of energy!


Cereal Bar

Not a fan of crunchy granola bars? Try a cereal bar instead! Most of your favorite healthy cereals (like Special K) come in handy bar form. Keep a box in your desk for breakfasts, or for mid-morning snacks!


Meal Replacement Drink

Special K (and lots of other companies) make excellent meal replacement drinks, and none of them taste like chalk. I prefer mine chilled, but try a few, warm or cool, and see which you like best!

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Whole-grain Toast

A loaf of whole-wheat bread is good for more than a tomato and cheese sandwich — it also makes lots of delicious, crisp whole wheat toast for the mornings that you feel rushed! Add a little faux butter spread and you have a tasty, nutritious breakfast you can enjoy on the go.


Oatmeal to Go!

Have you seen the packets of oatmeal? They're super-fast to prepare and the little packets travel well in a handbag or work bag, I might add... maple and brown sugar, apples and cinnamon, peaches and cream... the list of flavor varieties goes on and on, and is sure to include a few flavors you like.

Look at that, one quick but nutritious breakfast for every day of the week! I love the yoghurt and fresh fruit... but which of these nutritious breakfast ideas do you like best? Why? Do tell!

Top Photo Credit: keepyourdietreal.com

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