8 Natural Appetite Suppressants That Actually Work ...


8 Natural Appetite Suppressants That Actually Work ...
8 Natural Appetite Suppressants That Actually Work ...

Want some natural appetite suppressants that work? This YouTube video is extremely educational when it comes to this DIY diet hack. We all have cravings, especially when we are having a bad day, bored, on our period, going through menopause, etc.

We read various books on this subject of cravings, but nothing seems to work. Well, this article is here to save you time and trouble. Watch the following video on natural appetite suppressants that work to stop your cravings today!

The Health Nerd
Published on Apr 5, 2016

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Drink Water

Thirst and hunger are often confused. Most often due to a sedentary lifestyle. Drink a glass of water first. Then, if you are still hungry, have some food.


Drink Peppermint Tea

This causes people to consume 1800 calories less. Also, stops cake and potato chip free-for-alls!



Do meditation anywhere for 5 to 10 minutes. Meditation reduces binge eating by 70%, increases focus, improves sleep and reduces stress and anxiety.


Have Lots of Protein and Fibrous Carbs

Consume this duo at the same time. The protein reduces cravings and the fiber reduces appetite by 39%. For example, have an apple and whey protein shake!


Drink Decaf!

Decaf coffee beats out caffeinated and caffeine pills to stop cravings. Full of nutrients and antioxidants.

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Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Drink throughout the day or 2 tbsp. with 8 oz. of water 30 minutes before or during a meal. Doing so leads to feeling fuller, consuming 200 to 275 fewer calories and no mid-day sugar crashes!


Use Cayenne Pepper

This spice increases metabolism, increases fat burning and curbs appetite.


Consume Satiating Foods

Don't consume empty calories! Have instead, for example, steak and potatoes, which leaves the body feeling full. Have more of these to stop your cravings.

This DIY diet hack may be accomplished even when on a tight budget.

Water, peppermint tea, decaf, apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper may be found at your local Dollar Tree.

Meditation CDs may be found at your local library.

Protein, fibrous carbs and other satiating food may be found at your local grocery store, costing a little more, but if you shop on sales and with coupons, you can do it!

I hope you found this article useful!

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