How to Eat Better in 2019 than You Did in 2018 ...


How to Eat Better in 2019 than You Did in 2018 ...
How to Eat Better in 2019 than You Did in 2018 ...

If one of your New Year's resolutions was to enjoy a more healthful diet, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed (and deprived) right now. I know exactly how you feel! But no worries. Here are a few easy ways you can eat better in 2019 than you did in 2018, without deprivation.

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Drink More Water

This one's simple! Try to drink at least 8 small glasses of water each day (about 64 ounces). I'm not saying you have to cut out anything else, just make sure that you drink plain water in addition to your usual coffee, tea, and so on.


Don't do the Diet

Whenever possible, avoid the low-cal, fat-free "diet" food. Why? Because it's just not good for you in the long run. Instead, just eat smaller, smarter portions of regular foods.


Don't Skip Breakfast

Breaking your fast every morning in important, whether you're trying to lose weight or you just want to feel better every day. Choose some whole-grain toast or a salt bagel, maybe some oatmeal or yoghurt.


Eat More Often

Try to eat smaller meals, several times a day, rather than three big meals. This helps keep your metabolism rocking, and it keeps you from feeling deprived and hungry, thus tempted to eat sugary snacks.


Don't Buy It

If there's a food you're trying to avoid, keep it out of the house and you won't be tempted to cheat! My weakness is cool ranch Doritos, so... I just don't buy them and bring them home. I'll indulge in a snack-sized bag with a sandwich when I'm eating out once in a while, but I just don't buy them at the grocery store.

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Learn Fractions

No, not really. But keep in mind that at lunch and dinner, the veggies should take up more of your plate than the meat and starch, and you'll be good.


Go Fresh

Whenever possible, opt for the fresh version of whatever you're having. Canned green beans are okay, but why not try fresh raw green beans instead?


Skip the Dressing

You'll save so, so many calories (most of them from sugar and fat) if you skip the dressing on your salads and sandwiches.


Go for the Green

Salads do not have to be boring! Try new green salad recipes, one day each week, and discover just how much you love dried cherries, blue cheese crumbles, and maybe even toasted pecans. Yum!

See? Eating better doesn't have to mean giving up the tasty foods you love. A few new habits and some simple swaps, and you're well on your way. What would you add to my list?

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Very practical! Thank you

I've been setting an alarm (which is a mellow song tune) every hour from 8:55 to 2:55 to drink a glass of water. Sometimes it's just a few big gulps. But it's working! My skin has improved also..

I do all of these

Good, practical advice!

Great advice. 

This is my favorite post, mostly because it's not overwhelming with facts and don'ts! It's easily relatable and easy to follow. Genuinely, this is a fantastic post.

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