7 Easy Yet Effective Diets to Try ...


7 Easy Yet Effective Diets to Try ...
7 Easy Yet Effective Diets to Try ...

Easy Diet — that sounds almost like an oxymoron, doesn't it? But there truly are lots of easy diets, plans that help you lose weight and aren't terribly complicated. If you're ready to rock a new diet, but need an easy diet to succeed, keep reading! Here are 7 easy yet effective diets to try.

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1. South Beach Diet

Though it's somewhat similar to the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet is much more healthy for your body in the long-term, and it's relatively easy, especially after the first two weeks. There are countless books and websites on the South Beach Diet, which make it even easier to follow.

2. Special K Challenge

If you're looking to lose just a few pounds, then this might be one of the easy diets for you to consider. Simply eat a breakfast with Special K, then a lunch replacement and snack from the Special K line-up, and a healthy dinner. You'll lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks... that's fantastic... and easy! For more info, check out the Special K Challenge website.

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3. Weight Watchers

With loads of online and in-person support option, Weight Watchers is one of the easy diets to consider, and one of the most effective. The points program for food choices is intuitive, and the iPhone app makes it easy to follow the plan anytime, anywhere!

4. NutriSystem

What could be easier than having your diet-conscious meals delivered right to your door? The food is tasty, and there are several plan options, including diets for women, men, and even diabetics. This is one of the easy diets you have to see to believe... get more info online, or by calling 1-877-906-5646.

5. Jenny Craig

This is another of the easy diets that doesn't force you to prepare and cook your own meals... they provide them, you simply eat them! The Jenny Craig diet has even been endorsed by the American Heart Association...

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6. DIY Diet!

A successful diet is really a simple math equation: if you want to lose weight, the calories you CONSUME must be less than the calories you BURN. If you think you can do that on your own, then feel free to develop your own diet! It might be an easy diet for you, if you design it yourself.

7. Anything but Atkins (or Other Fads)

While the Atkins Diet may seem easy, it, like other fad diets, isn't safe or effective in the long-term, so it's better to avoid them. Choose another of the easy diets on this list, or if you're still not sure you want to give up on Atkins, consult with your doctor, who might be able to help you tailor it for your needs.

With so many easy diets to try, there's no reason to put off weight loss another minute! Which of these totally easy diets do you think sounds right for you? Or is there another easy diet — ala item #6 — you've created or tried you'd like to share?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

Feedback Junction

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Lol who am I kidding I am 16 and weight 105 and I'm 5.1 so yeah I have some fat but I can't find out an easy way to lose weight FAST ??? :,(

I used the Special K diet leading up to Spring Break last year and it worked great even with my busy schedule. I think I lost a little extra because I drank only water for the 2 weeks. 8 lbs in 3 weeks

is the special k diet okay if you're looking to lose more like 10+ lbs?

Im 14 and weight 190 and i really want to lose weight but i cant i dont eat alot i watch what i eat but i cant seem to lose it and it really hurt me and my family

Hi I LOVE this site<3 and I wanted to ask, I'm 11 and I weigh 88, I sort of have breasts but my other friends are all like so much smaller and I feel fat all the time:(

hello..first i wanna say that i really love this site <3 ummm..i'm 18 years old, 162 cm tall, and i weight 52 kg. is that good?? cuz i feel that i wanna lose weight :(

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