Top 5 Best Natural Sugar Substitutes for Girls Looking to Eat Better ...

Andrijana Sep 20, 2017

Top 5 Best Natural Sugar Substitutes for Girls Looking to Eat Better ...
Top 5 Best Natural Sugar Substitutes for Girls Looking to Eat Better ...

These days the world is full of junk food and too much sweet, which is why it's important to learn more about the best natural sugar substitutes. Eating too much sugar can be harmful for your body. Sugar can be a dangerous ingredient for you and it can cause a lot of issues. Instead of causing harm to yourself, you can easily find healthy substitutes for sugar that are better for you. Here are 5 of the best natural sugar substitutes that can improve, not just your health, but also your life.

1. Stevia

Stevia comes from the leaf of a flowering plant and there are many types of it. This is a sweetener that you can use on a regular basis and it is all natural. Some of the benefits are that

it is excellent for blood sugar issues, which is good if you have diabetes or are overweight. Stevia also has zero calories, making it one of the best natural sugar substitutes.

2. Raw Honey

This is pure, raw honey that serves as natural sugar substitute and it is full of healthy benefits for your body. Make sure the honey you choose is 100% pure. Benefits of raw honey include that it is not just a sugar substitute, it’s a food. Despite the sugar content, raw honey contains antioxidants, electrolytes and antimicrobial components, which can improve your overall health. Honey is also like a natural immunization because of the pollen, which can help treat allergies.

3. Dates

Another natural sweetener is dates. You can add dates to your diet by making protein pies or bars. They are also good for baking and making smoothies. Dates are high in potassium, fiber and other minerals and vitamins. They slow the absorption of sugar and are completely natural. Dates can also help the body easily flush out the toxins and balance electrolytes.

4. Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is organic, vegan, unrefined and non-GMO. It is the ideal replacement ingredient when you are baking cakes as it can be used one for one in your recipe. In addition to being high in potassium, coconut sugar also contains other nutrients and electrolytes. It also helps with digestion and decreases the risk of diabetes, boosts energy and regulates insulin levels.

5. Maple Syrup

This sugar substitute is 100% organic, pure and natural. It is a great sweetener that can be used in a lot of recipes, on waffles or pancakes, among many other things Maple syrup has a lot of benefits including a high antioxidant content and it contains anti-inflammatory properties.

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