8 Ways to Start a Healthy Lifestyle ...

Heather Jan 18, 2012

8 Ways to Start a Healthy Lifestyle ...
8 Ways to Start a Healthy Lifestyle ...

Healthy Lifestyle changes could be as simple as choosing to put your salad dressing on the side or laughing more. There are a ton of different and small steps that you can take to lead a healthy lifestyle in 2012, you just gotta be willing to make the changes! Ladies, below, I've got the top 8 ways that you can live a healthy lifestyle and some of the smallest changes that you can make to help you get on the right track!

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1. Take the Stairs

My office is on the fourth floor and I live in a second floor apartment. This was one of the easiest little changes that I could make to help me get on the right healthy lifestyle track! Now, I don't even take the elevator, it's all about the stairs and it makes a huge difference!

2. Drink More Water

I'll say it, I hate water! It's not something that I like to drink, however it's a must if you're going to be on a healthy lifestyle track. One of the tricks that I use to get through my four bottles of water a day (I know you need more, but that's about as much as I can handle) is I squeeze some lemon juice in my water bottle. It makes it a little tangy and sour – and it goes don way easier!

3. Salad Dressing on the Side

Remember when I mentioned something as simple as putting your dressing on the side? Well, that is the easiest healthy lifestyle tip that you can start doing right now! The reasoning behind this tip is that, that way you know how much dressing you're putting on your salad, versus just dumping a bunch on and thinking it's a small amount.

4. More Fruits/Veggies

Adding in a few additional servings of fruits and veggies is a great way to get your health on track. Just one more apple, one more salad a day can make a huge difference in how you feel! So ladies, go grab yourself some fruit!

5. Cut the Fat

Cutting out some of the sweets and bad fats that you probably consume everyday is a simple and small way to get healthy. If you have a candy jar on your desk, why not replace that with a fruit bowl? Also, buying leaner meats is a small change that you can make to keep yourself healthy!

6. Stretch More

I sit at a desk for ten hours a day, fifty hours a week – I need to stretch once in a while! Stretching out your limbs actually helps make you feel better overall! So take a quick walk around the office, stretch your arms up high – your body will appreciate it!

7. Meditate

My mom is huge into meditation and until recently, I never understood it. Nowadays though, it's my salvation. It's one of the greatest ways to clear your mind and to truly focus in on yourself. Meditation can also help kick some of that stress that you might be feeling.

8. Drink Green Tea

Finally ladies, why not drink up some delicious green tea? Green tea has so many benefits in it, it's crazy! It can help prevent everything from cancer all the way to helping with your digestive tract. It's a great drink and if you add in some sweetener, it doesn't take so bitter.

Finding the smallest little ways to get yourself on a healthy lifestyle track isn't hard. You just have to be logical and moderate some of the things that you eat and do. Taking the stairs for example, it's simple and small but in the long run, it'll make a huge difference! So ladies, what healthy lifestyle tips do you have to share? Any that I haven't listed?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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