Is it really possible to Eat More and Weigh Less? Yes! It just depends on how you do it! Eating whatever you want and still losing weight isn’t quite that simple. But if you just make a few tweaks here and there, you can start eating more food and weighing less than you ever thought possible! Here are 5 simple steps that even the most skeptical dieter can appreciate.
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1. Eat More Often
Yes, you read that correctly. Eating more frequently throughout the day (4-6 times) will help keep your metabolism working at its full potential. Think of your metabolism as a bike that is being pedaled. It needs a stead stroke of the petals to keep it moving. Your metabolism is the same way. It needs that constant stream of energy to keep it running smoothly. If you don’t eat for more than 4 or 5 hours it will begin to slow down, just like the bike, burning fewer calories per hour (aka, causing you to gain weight over time).
2. Turn Snacks into Mini-meals
Since you are now going to be eating more often, it is reasonable to think that your meals should be turned into snack-sized, right? Wrong! It is actually more beneficial to think of everything you eat as a mini-meal. By doing this, you are not only making a conscious effort to slow-down for a moment and eat your food, but your choice will [most likely] be a healthier one since meals, by definition, contain a variety of foods, not just one item (ie, a piece of cake).
3. Eat Larger Quantities
…of vegetables that is. Sorry to disappoint, but I am not going to lie to you and say that you can eat whatever you want and still have the supermodel physique that you have been dreaming of. However, I will say that when it comes to eating veggies, there really is no limit. Eat until you heart is content!
4. Eat More Fats
And by fats I mean the healthy kinds, including those found in olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed, avocadoes, nuts, seeds, fish, and Organic-lean meats. Our bodies need fats. In fact, our brains are made up of roughly two-thirds of the stuff. Fats keep our intestines running smoothly and our minds working normally. They also help our metabolisms work as they are meant to. Getting around 20-30% of your calories from healthy fats is a good range to shoot for when trying to figure out how much you should be eating every day.
5. Eat before Bed
How many times have you heard how bad it is to eat before bed, and that you really shouldn’t eat after 8pm at all if you want to lose weight. Well, let me tell you this is not the case! In fact, you really should eat something before you go to bed. This all comes back to the slower metabolism idea that I covered in #1. Not eating for 10-12 hours will slow down your metabolism, forcing it to burn fewer calories than it otherwise would. Plus, at least for me, I have a horrible time trying to sleep when my stomach is eating itself because I am so hungry!
See, you can eat more and weigh less! Now if only we could sleep less (while still feeling well rested) and add a couple extra hours to our day… Does this make you want to start eating more too?!
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