Eggs have just about every nutrient a person could possibly need! They are not only on the breakfast menu, but for lunch and dinner too! What's the big deal? Read on, girlfriend.
Snapshot Survey
1. Weight Loss
Consumption of eggs may promote weight loss. They keep you full which each being about 80 calories each.
2. Eye Sight
Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids, making them good for the eyes.
3. Stroke Prevention
According to the Mayo Clinic, up to 7 eggs per week prevents some forms of stroke.
4. Pregnancy
Eggs can prevent birth defects as they contain folate, choline, and selenium, necessary for a healthy baby.
5. Hair and Nails
Eggs are high in sulfur content, making for healthy hair and nails.
6. Protection of Bones
Eggs are a source of Vitamin D, essential for calcium absorption and maintenance of bone health.
7. Cancer Reduction
The antioxidants in eggs may reduce the risk of cancer. Women that consume at least 6 eggs a week, have lower breast cancer risk, by 44%.
8. Convenience
Studies clearly show that eating up to three whole eggs per day is perfectly safe. Eggs are cheap. Eggs taste delicious. Eggs go with almost everything. There are a million ways to serve eggs, including;
I got the inspiration to take on the subject of eggs by watching a YouTube video. I, personally, skip breakfast. However, now, I know all I need are a few eggs and a microwave for myself. I might crack a few eggs, and mix them with oats and diced apple, with a little cinnamon, maybe making some the night before, tucked away in the fridge, using a jar.
Maybe you just might be inspired too by reading this article, which is my hope - just like I needed a YouTube video to point me in the right direction.