Once you discover the secrets of detox juicing, you will never look back. As someone who has never been on a diet before, I was totally skeptical about the benefits of juicing. I couldn't imagine enjoying the experience, never mind loving it so much that I would be compelled to write about the fantastic benefits on All Women Stalk. So whether you want to lose weight, eat healthier or simply try something new, I urge you to read on and discover the secrets of juicing.
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1. The Myth
As someone who doesn't go in for dieting fads, I falsely assumed that juicing was for size obsessed skinny girls and in some way unhealthy. Surely we need carbohydrates and proteins to survive, so an all juice diet must be bad for you? Well the truth is you won’t die from a day of juicing. As natural hunter/gatherers, we are designed to survive on a diet of fruits and vegetables. I am not recommending a month long binge on juicing, simply that you dedicate one day to discover the secrets of detox juicing.
2. The Method
Set aside one day on the weekend in which you intend to juice. It will be a lot fresher and easier if you have a juicer at hand rather than taking pre-made juices to work. Then simply replace each meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a homemade juice. And remember to drink lots of water or fruit teas to keep yourself hydrated in between juices.
3. What to Use
You can use any fruits and vegetables you want. As a good base stick to apples and carrots, and then add additional fruits and vegetable to taste. I can recommend spinach, which is high in energy, as well as bananas, avocados, beetroot, cucumber, celery and watermelon. Don’t be scared to mix flavours; all fruits and vegetables have individual detox and healing powers so be brave and experiment. If you are looking for flavour combinations or specific health properties, the internet is full of recipes and techniques for juicing.
4. It’s a Detox
Remember that you are supposed to be juicing to detox. To rid your body of waste and negative properties, you need to fully stick to the detox all day, so no caffeine, no dairy (milk) and no snacking in-between juices unless you snack on fruit. It’s only one day of your life so really focus on healing your body and only putting good things into it.
5. The Benefits
After my day of detoxing I felt AMAZING! I had so much energy and was giddy with happiness – hard to believe, right? But it’s true, I felt fantastic inside and out. My body felt leaner, my skin felt clearer and I had an abundance of energy, all without a drop of coffee.
6. Why Are We Doing This?
Juicing made me reconsider my notions about health and energy. I had been getting into the bad habits of turning to caffeine and junk food when I needed an instant pick me up. But now I realise that if I simply ate more fruit and vegetables every day, I would already be up – energised and ready to face the day.
7. So Now What?
Once you discover juicing I would be surprised if you didn't stick with healthy eating. I would recommend increasing the number of fruit and vegetable portions into your daily diet and then every few months, if you feel yourself sinking into an unhealthy slump, rejuvenating yourself by having another detox day to replenish your body of missing nutrients. Try to incorporate juicing into your life and weekly routines.
Juicing is simple, and once you try it you will instantly feel the benefits. Don’t get carried away and juice all day every day – it is important eat normally the rest of the time and find a healthy balance between eating carbohydrates, proteins and yes, even fats. However, every now and then you might want to return to juicing as a way to replenish your body and soul of missing nutrients. Juicing is simply an easy to way to eat more fruits and vegetables and increase your intake of vitamins, whilst taking a break from bad habits and junk food. It just so happens to have the same effect as drinking yourself skinny. So there you have it, the 7 secrets to detox juicing. When will you give juicing a try?
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