7 Reasons Why You Should Become Vegetarian ...


Why become vegetarian, and give up yummy steaks and delicious bacon? There are lots of reasons, and most of them are related to health: your health, the Earth’s health, even the health of your food budget. I’m not a militant or “pushy” vegetarian, but I have to say, I’m always eager to tell people how much money I save by not eating meat, and how marvelous it feels to know my heart’s a little healthier, too. Here are 7 reasons why you should consider becoming a vegetarian.

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It’s Animal-friendly

It’s Animal-friendly Without even glancing at the PETA website, I’m sure you already know this: following a meatless diet usually also means following a cruelty-free diet. If you’re an animal lover and advocate, then this is an excellent reason why you might become vegetarian.


It’s Earth-friendly

It’s Earth-friendly Did you know that raising cows, pigs, and chicken uses far more water, and causes far more pollution, than raising fruits, grains, and vegetables? If you’re concerned about the environment, then research just how much pollution (ground water and air pollution) is causes annual by just one feed lot. You’ll be shocked. I was!


The environmental impact of raising animals for meat, dairy, and eggs is significant and far-reaching. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. It is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction.

Raising animals for food also requires a tremendous amount of resources. Animal agriculture uses up to 10 times more water than plant-based agriculture, and is responsible for 80-90% of US water consumption. It also contributes to deforestation, as forests are cleared to create land for grazing and feed crops.

Furthermore, the production of animal-based foods is incredibly inefficient. It takes 2-5lbs of grain to produce 1lb of meat, while it takes just 1lb of grain to produce 1lb of plant-based protein. This means that if everyone switched to a plant-based diet, it would free up enough food to feed an additional 3-4 billion people.


It’s Better for Your Heart

It’s Better for Your Heart Many of the fats found in meats are dreadful for the human coronary system. Following a vegetarian diet has long been known to help prevent heart disease. If you’re not ready to take the meat-less plunge just yet, you can still reap some of the heart health benefits by limiting meat to a couple of times a week.


It’s Better for Your Body, in General

It’s Better for Your Body, in General Aside from the negative impact on your heart, did you know that eating a meat-rich diet can also cause digestive and other health problems?


It’s Cheaper

It’s Cheaper Take a peek at your last grocery receipt and you’ll notice that meats, especially processed meats, are pricey! Granted, so is fresh produce, especially if it’s out of season, but a vegetarian’s grocery bill is bound to be a lot less, overall, than a meat-eater’s. True story.

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It Can Help You Look Better

It Can Help You Look Better Want clear skin, a healthy glow, shiny hair, and a slimmer waistline? All of these “looks-related” benefits can also be yours if you follow a vegetarian diet. For example, look at Natalie Portman. Need I say more?


It’s Fun to Be Smug

It’s Fun to Be Smug Let’s face it: it’s fun to be smart and smug. When your friends complain about heartburn, constipation, dull skin and hair, or weight gain, you can kindly suggest switching to a full-fledged (or “beginner’s”) vegetarian diet, or, just bask in the glow of knowing something everyone else doesn’t.

So again, I ask: why become vegetarian? At least now you know some of the reasons why you might want to at least try it, or think about it, right? And I didn’t even show you horrible pictures of suffering animals or drought-stricken lands to make my points (I have when PETA does that!). Which of these reasons surprised you? Which do you think might make you try it? Do tell!

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Eating meat saved my life! Look, I understand you're completely behind the going vegan thing and all, but as a responsible woman I cannot be silent about this. For months I struggled to keep up with my husband at the grocery store, just making dinner was a chore. I thought it had to do with the fact that I have MS. I was wrong. We're women here so I can just come out and say this...my periods have gotten so bad that I cannot leave the house for up to 5 days. Why? Cramping? No. Try having to change your pad at least every 2 hours. Every month I would literally turn grey. Little did I know I could have died. Why? Turns out that I was losing iron at an alarming rate, due to all of the large blood clots my body was passing during these 5 days. I know enough from health class that we need to replace the iron we lose every month and the best way to do so is by eating red meat. So, when I finally went to the doctor and got a blood test, the next day I received a call from them. They asked me do nothing until I was able to come in. They didn't want me to go grocery shopping, do laundry, cook dinner, you know, the usual stuff most of us do on a daily basis. They also said that should I at any time have chest pain to go to the ER. The following day I had my appointment. The first thing my doctor (who is a complete vegan) says to me was, "I honestly don't know how you're sitting in front of me right now. You should be dead". My blood count was so low that she was about to admit me for a transfusion. I explained to her that I knew I was losing iron, so a day or so before I'd start, I'd eat a huge steak. I wasn't taking iron supplements (because at the time I had no idea how much to take). My doctor immediately started me on iron and advised me to keep eating steak when I know I'm going to start. It literally saved my life. I don't know to much about taking a bunch of suppliments to replace what you're not getting from your food. But I do honestly believe that there are some things that we need to keep eating. I love all animals. I don't like the fact that some of them are killed inhumanily so we can eat. But honestly, I love living to much to feel guilty about it. And lets keep it real, getting the necessary nutrition, vitamins, and the such, from meat, poulty, fish, what have you. Our bodies absorb better from those foods that vegans are against. I'll be having another steak next week. And I look forward to it. Good luck on your vegan thing. Just make sure you've got all of your basis covered. Be Blessed, Roz

I've been a vegetarian/vegan since i was a little kid. i couldn't stand the idea of torturing a living thing with pain receptors just for my own personal snacking purposes. talk about gluttony! Also, there's lots of new historical evidence that Jesus was a vegetarian. Add his name to Gandhi and Einstein--also both vegetarians--and you've got some great company! "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." —Albert Einstein ...

I'm conservative aka CHEAP.

A lot of your reasons are better suited for supporting a vegan diet. Such as the one about raising animals. If you want eggs and dairy, they still need to be raised.

I thought eating grains was very bad!

It's actually much more important to stop eating heavily processed foods than deciding whether or not to eat animal flesh. Like Denise, I did raw foods for a year, and never felt or looked better.

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