7 Quick Ways to Reduce Your Waistline in Just One Week ...


With swimsuit season on the horizon, you might be one of the many ladies out there looking to reduce your waistline. Instead of starving yourself, trying another new diet, or spending countless hours at the gym, just try adding some simple tweaks to your current routine to reduce your waistline. Implementing these tips is a much healthier approach to reduce your waistline than starving or exhausting your body. Plus, a few of them are actually pretty delicious!

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1. Switch Your Breakfast up

Want a quick way to reduce your waistline first thing each day? No problem! Just switch your morning breakfast of cereal, oatmeal, or another type of starchy food to a protein-based breakfast instead. Protein raises your metabolism up to 25% more than carbohydrates do, just by eating it. Egg whites, a protein shake, or some Greek yogurt with berries are all great options.

2. Add Some Fiber

I know fiber sounds boring, but it’s your best ally if you want to reduce your waistline quickly. Fiber fills you up faster on fewer calories and slows down your blood sugar to prevent overeating. Good sources of fiber include flax, chia, psyllium husk powder, hemp fiber, berries, non-starchy vegetables, and coconut flour. Toss a few of these in wherever you can and you’ll be full in no time!

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3. Change Your Fats

Healthy fats are important for your diet and brain function, but some of them make you gain weight more easily than others. Eliminate excess nuts and all cooking oils, even the healthy ones. Try eating more seeds like flax and chia, which have more protein and fiber than nuts, along with less fat. Go oil-free when you cook by using cooking spray instead.

4. Keep Dinner Simple

Since you’re not burning as many calories surfing the net or catching up on your favorite television show at night, it’s important to keep dinner simple (and as light as possible). A meal of fish with veggies and a sweet potato is a perfect example, or perhaps some quinoa with veggies and tempeh if you’re vegan. Season with herbs and spices instead of oil, salt, and butter, and you’ll be good to go!

5. Trick Your Sweet Tooth

Switch to stevia instead of artificial sweeteners or “natural” sweeteners like honey and maple syrup. Stevia is calorie-free and has no impact on your glycemic index or your waistline whatsoever. Choose liquid varieties of stevia instead of powders for the healthiest option, since some powders contain fillers and additives.

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6. Eat More Yogurt

Yogurt’s probiotic cultures and extremely high protein content reduce abdominal fat and excess bloating quickly. The trick is to consume plain, nonfat Greek yogurt as the best option for weight loss, and add some stevia to it if you need a sweet fix.

7. Don’t Forget to Strength Train

Though cardio is a key component to reducing your waistline, don’t forget the weights! Lean muscle burns fat, especially in the abdominal region, for up to 12 hours after a strength training session. Start with 20 minutes a day at least three times a week.

You don’t need to revert to eating rice cakes and bowls of lettuce all day just to reduce your waistline, ladies! Just try a few of these tips and remember to eat enough. A slow metabolism isn’t your body or your waistline’s friend. Do you have a tip to reduce your waistline in a healthy way?

Feedback Junction

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People really need to get past the "fat makes you fat" issue. *Sugar* makes you fat. Refined grains make you fat. Bad fats are bad for your health. good fats are beneficial and necessary for your health.

Hi I have a tsp of flax seeds daily but according to u how much should be consumed in a day??

Better cook with olive

You took the words out of my mouth Abee! I cut out all the refined junk and actually increased all the healthy fats, I feel great & have lost 50+ lbs. I also tripled my water intake & workout 3-4 x/wk.

So sorry I'm new to this and never meant to post this pic

Wheat bread with peanut butter and banana is so good for breakfast

The problem with all these replacements such as stevia and spray oil, is that although they contain fewer calories, they are made with many potentially dangerous and often artificial chemicals, which over time can be detrimental to your health.

One more thing I wanna know that can u give me some veg Indian deit plan to loose weight fast.

cooking spray is oil.

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