If you love cherries, chances are, you’ve already been reaping the health benefits of cherries without even realizing it. All of the benefits are especially true if you enjoy tart cherry varieties, like Montmorency. What are these amazing health benefits, and how do they work? Keep reading! Here are 7 incredible health benefits of cherries…
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1. Better Sleep!
Cherries are loaded with melatonin, which can help you sleep better. If you suffer from insomnia, perhaps this health benefit of cherries was designed just for you! Why not give it a try, rather than taking a prescription medication with potentially nasty side effects…
2. Cancer Prevention
Did you know that cherries are loaded with natural antioxidants, which can help prevent certain types of cancers? Those same antioxidants can also help with healthy aging… so this health benefit of cherries is a double-whammy!
3. Natural Energy Providers
Most of the calories in cherries come from natural sugars, which can be marvelous mood enhancers and energy-providers. These natural sugars provide a quick burst of energy, without the crash that most other energy sources can lead to.
4. Better Digestion
Cherries are also a great source of fiber, which helps with healthy digestion. This, of course, means that you shouldn’t eat too many of them… but a handful of cherries contains about a quarter of the fiber you ought to get in one day… not bad!
5. Healthy Eyes!
Here’s another health benefit of cherries you may not have thought of: they’re actually good for your eyes! Cherries have a lot of vitamin A in them, and part of vitamin A is a chemical called beta carotene, which helps keep your eyes healthy. Another part of vitamin A is retinol… which anyone who knows about skin care can tell you also helps with healthy skin.
6. Prevent Muscle Cramps
While bananas still contain more potassium per serving than cherries, not everyone likes bananas, and might want to get their potassium from cherries instead. Potassium helps prevent and ease muscle cramps, so if you workout, it might be a good idea to eat some cherries or drink some cherry juice before or after your workout. Cherries may also help ease menstrual cramps.
7. Reduce Pain and Swelling
Here’s a final health benefit of cherries, one that’s only recently been discovered. Cherries contain anthocyanins, which have been shown to ease pain and swelling from chronic ailments, like arthritis and gout (they also give them their red coloring). As anyone who suffers from arthritis pain can tell you, this is great because it doesn’t involve taking pills!
With so many natural, incredibly health benefits of cherries, I wish they were in season for a little longer, don’t you? But don’t worry — if you can’t get your hands on fresh cherries, you can get the same benefits from dried cherries or cherry juice, as long as you’re careful to get the ones without added sugars. Which of these health benefits of cherries surprised you, and which are you thrilled about? Do tell!
Sources: choosecherries.com, nlm.nih.gov, choosemyplate.gov