7 Helpful Hints on Starting a Clean Eating Diet ...


7 Helpful Hints on Starting a Clean Eating Diet ...
7 Helpful Hints on Starting a Clean Eating Diet ...

Are you looking into starting a clean eating diet? Regardless of whether you’re trying to shed some pounds or to start eating healthier, a clean eating diet will help you accomplish both of those things and then some! Eating a clean diet means you’re getting rid of all nutritionally deficient foods in your diet, like fried, sugary, fatty and processed foods. I know, it might sound really hard but I’ve got seven helpful hints to get you started, so let’s get to it!

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1. Cut Back on Drinks

Starting a clean eating diet means cutting back on some of the not-so-healthy indulgences that we all enjoy. You don’t have to totally cut it out of your life; there are some health benefits to drinking alcohol so don’t feel like you have to deprive yourself. You can certainly enjoy alcohol in moderation, as in the recommended 1 drink per day, and still maintain a healthy lifestyle!

2. Go for Whole Foods

Eating a clean diet means eating whole foods rather than their processed, broken down counterparts. Let’s take an apple for example. The best way to consume it is to eat a raw apple, next best would be eating unsweetened apple sauce and last would eating an apple pie snack. They all contain apples but it’s best consumed in its natural state!

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3. Steer Clear of Salt

As a salt lover, it’s hard for me to cut back on salt but I learned that there are many different ways to spice up meals without all the sodium! We need salt in our diet for proper bodily function, but we often consume way too much salt from processed foods and dining out. Be conscious of your salt intake by making your meals and keeping track of the salt you use; the daily recommended amount is less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, per the Mayo Clinic.

4. Water It down

Another part of eating clean is to drink tons of water! I know, you hear it all the time, but if you want to eat a clean diet, you don’t want to undo all your hard work of eating clean by downing sodas and sugary drinks! Make water your drink of choice and enjoy other drinks on occasion. It might be hard in the beginning but water is great for weight loss, healthy hair and skin!

5. Go with the Grains

Whole grains are another big part of eating clean. If you’re a big fan of white bread, rice and pastries, whole grains might seem like a huge bummer, but it’s not! Once you get used to eating whole grains you’ll really enjoy the taste and texture, and they help you stay full longer. Start eating whole grain bread, brown rice and try quinoa- a very versatile grain that’s super easy to make!

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6. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

A huge part of a clean eating diet is consuming more fruits and veggies! Many people think they can’t get full or satisfied eating a meal made up of mainly vegetables but that’s not true! There are so many different ways to prepare veggies that are delicious and very filling! The next time you prepare a meal, start off with a small salad or make veggies the focal point so you fill up on all the essential nutrients and vitamins first!

7. Cut Back on Fat

Fats are another thing that our bodies need but we often consume them in excess. We want to avoid eating saturated and trans fats, but there are “good” fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that help improve blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. Start cooking with olive oil instead of butter and be sure to read labels when you’re buying packaged foods.

Eating clean doesn’t have to be difficult! It might be challenging to get used to at first but you will look and feel so much better as a result! Follow these simple tips on making smarter choices on foods and drinks and you’re on your way to living a healthier and leaner life! Do you follow a clean eating diet? What are your favorite foods?

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it's kinda hard for me to get whole grain in my town, and it's also expensive!.

Help me a lot :)

Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped. Saturated fat is essential for your brain!!

Actually, research is now showing that the debate between saturated and unsaturated fats is now incorrect. It's not a good fat because its unsaturated and it's not bad because is saturated. It depends on the individual type of fat. For example, coconut oil is a polysaturated fat, but lowers blood LDL cholesterol, and vegetable oil is a unsaturated fat but is toxic as the process it goes through to be extracted causes it to be rancid before it hits your grocery store shelf. So investigate individual oils. Also it's important to not heat unsaturated fats because they are more unstable when heated, compared to saturated fats, and have a lower smoke point. So avoid heating olive oil. Use coconut, grape seed, and lastly butter to cook with.

This is a good example of clueless people who think reading a magazine makes them nutrionists. -_-

Find healthy substitutes for daily staples and treats

The salt is where my weakness is

Fat is essential for your health; a low fat diet often leads to sugar cravings!!

Also, as a doctor and personal trainer I strongly recommend not cutting out fats, or reducing them. Because of the processed food we eat that have taken out fat to sell you "fat free" foods, many Americans eat less fat then they should. As a doctor I know the brain is about 70% fat. If you don't eat fat your brain does not have the necessary nutrients it needs. As a personal trainer I have used low carb/high fat diets to get my clients ready for competitions, looking cut and lean. Plus if it doesn't have fat in it... I bet it had sugar or some other processes substance that will taste good enough for you to eat it.

Sweets is my weakness

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