Eat Healthier by Setting These New Year's Resolutions for Yourself ...

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Eat Healthier by Setting These New Year's Resolutions for Yourself ...

Eating more healthily will do wonders for you. A balanced healthy diet full of the nutrients your body needs will increase your well-being, help you stay fit and keep your skin, hair and nails looking good. By eating healthy, you’ve got many bases covered and that means you can focus on the other areas of your life you want success in. Here are achievable healthy eating New Year’s Resolutions you can adopt in 2019:

1 Always Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It kick-starts your metabolism and provides energy to get moving. A breakfast of protein, whole grains, fresh fruit and low-fat dairy is better than sugary cereal and whole milk.

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2 Cook More Often

By getting in the kitchen more often to cook a meal, you reduce the amount of takeout and processed food you eat. The best food certainly doesn’t go ping!

3 Perfect Your Portions

One of the biggest downfalls of a healthy balanced diet is not understanding what constitutes a portion. Make 2018 the year you learn what a portion is. There are infographics all over the internet as well as products you can buy to help you produce a plate that is portion controlled and in balance.

4 Pimp up Your Water

Firstly, make sure you are getting enough water EVERY Day. Then change up the odd glass (2-3 a day is good) by adding yummy ingredients that enhance your health or bring a detox effect – things like lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint.

5 Eat Less Meat

This reduces your saturated fat intake and it’s good for the environment. A new year is a great time to introduce Meatless Monday to your life.

6 Eat More Fish

Fish is brain food. Fish is omega-3. Fish is nutritious. Fish is usually less caloric than meat. Fish is delicious. And as well as being brain food it is good for your heart, eyes and mood.

7 Eat More Vegetables

Are you getting your recommended 5 portions of veggies and fruit per day? No. Time to start lady.

8 Eat More Fiber

This is quite easy to do – switch to whole grains. Put quinoa, whole-wheat couscous, bulgur and polenta on your menu.

9 Eat More Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acid helps maintain stable blood pressure and improve your mood. Good sources are fatty fish (salmon, sardines, and mackerel), walnuts and flax seeds/oil.

10 Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Reduce your sugary snacks, kick soda to the curb and check food labels for hidden sources of sugar.

11 Choose Healthy Fats

Fats are not bad if they are the right fats. We need good fats in our diet, so stop being scared of the word itself and make the right choices. These are the fats you should be eating – olive oil, hazelnuts, walnuts, avocado, almonds and sesame.

12 Add Fermented Foods to Your Menu

Fermented foods help you become BFF with your gut flora. Your options include sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kombucha, miso, kefir, tempeh, kefir, and soy sauce.

13 Eat Less Processed Meat

Yes, sorry ladies, it’s time to reduce your intake of delicious deli meats. Pass on the polony, say sayonara to the salami and kick the kielbasa to the curb. Many processed meats contain nitrates and loads of salt (due to curing processes).

14 Eat More Whole Foods

By eating whole foods you reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Eating more whole foods means you increase your fiber and complex carbs and reduce your intake of refined carbs, simple sugars and salt.

15 Make Your Indulgences Worthy

Don’t deprive yourself of treats. Instead make them an adventure. Instead of reaching for your old favorites, try something new. Your treats can be a journey of excitement for your taste buds. Small, smart indulgences go a long, long way toward enjoyment.

16 Begin a Love Affair with Ancient Grains

Instead of potatoes, rice and pasta, treat yourself to “ancient” grains like quinoa, farro, millet, buckwheat, spelt, kammut, amaranth, teff, sorghum, wild rice, black barley, and blue corn. They're fiber- and protein-rich and loaded with nutrients.

17 Be Better with Beverages

It’s so easy to be mindless about what is in your drinks. If your beverage is anything but water or herbal tea or black coffee, remember there are going to calories. And if not calories there could be additives and unnatural sweeteners. Make good beverage choices.

How many of these will you start doing this year?

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