Different Types of Water Sources to Know about ...


Different Types of Water Sources to Know about ...
Different Types of Water Sources to Know about ...

We drink water from various sources, but do you know the difference between the different types of water? Water is something that we absolutely cannot live without, but interestingly it also something that many of us don’t fully understand! When it comes to choosing a type of water to drink on a regular basis, you have three key sources: tap, filtered and bottled. Each water type is different and can contain different ‘ingredients’; some you should be trying to avoid, and some that you should be trying to obtain! Let’s get into this a little more in-depth (pun intended!). do you know the differences between water sources?

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1. Tap Water

The majority of tap water is monitored by the Safe Drinking Water Act, so it’s safe to drink. The benefit of tap water is that it contains the optimal concentration of fluoride that helps to prevent tooth decay in your mouth. If you never drink tap water, it is recommended that you use a fluoridated toothpaste to compensate. The primary concern related to tap water is that of retention times, meaning that by the time the water gets to you from your local treatment plant, it has been exposed to potential microbial growth and by-products.

2. Filtered Water

Filtered water contains reduced chlorine and mercury by design. Some people worry that the filtering process is going to take away all the important minerals and nutrients of the water as well, but this isn’t true. You will still get your fill of things likes calcium and magnesium when drinking filtered water. Something to be slightly wary of however is the fact that water filters pose the risk of developing high bacteria when they are not properly maintained.

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3. Bottled Water

The thing to remember here is that bottled water is essentially filtered water that is being packaged and sold to you. The water itself has all of the same benefits as we have already discussed in the filtered section, but this form obviously contains one huge drawback, the use of plastic. The second biggest drawback is that it is far more expensive than tap or filtered water. You don’t need me to tell you just how harmful to the environment single-use plastic can be, not to mention the fact that most bottles of water are treated with chemicals to extend shelf life.

At the end of the day, which waster source you decide to go with is all down to personal choice and circumstance.

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