8 Amazingly Low-Fat Desserts for Health-Conscious Eaters ...


8 Amazingly Low-Fat Desserts for Health-Conscious Eaters ...
8 Amazingly Low-Fat Desserts for Health-Conscious Eaters ...

Contrary to popular belief, recipes for low-fat desserts are not really that difficult to make. You just have to have the perseverance to find the right recipe, the patience to make it, and the self-control to not reach for that sinfully sweet jar of sugar or bowl of hopelessly fatty cream. Haha. Seriously, low-fat desserts are actually not so uncommon these days—what with people becoming more and more aware of the dangers of acquired diabetes or the occasional, but deadly, coronaries. And despite how amazingly sinful most desserts may sound, they actually don't have to be quite so dangerous to your health to be good enough—incredible even—for your palate. So, to get you started on that healthy right path, here are 8 Amazingly Low-Fat Desserts for Health-Conscious Eaters.

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1. Healthy Key Lime Pie

Limes are quite popular in my family. I grew up drinking golden lime juice almost every month because, as my mother used to say, it's loaded with vitamin C. So yes, lime is an amazingly healthy fruit. But more than that, this yummily scrumptious recipe only has 5g of total fat! Isn't that amazing?!

2. Apple Crisps

Now, who can hate apples? Apples are incredibly beautiful and delicious fruits that they should be given awards or something. And aside from vitamin C, they're chockfull of antioxidants, too! And this recipe only has about 8.9g of fat and 184 calories. A delectable treat that should be present in any low-fat desserts list.

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3. Almond Brownies

Who says you can't have chocolate and be conscientious about your health at the same time? Certainly not me! And certainly not with these luscious low-fat desserts. These almond brownies only have 6g of total fat and are diabetic-friendly. This would make a perfect present for those diabetic loved ones who could be desperately hankering for chocolates.

4. Fresh Peach Cake

Whenever I hear the word “peaches” I could not stop myself from hearing that Pot USA song and sporting a grin. I love both the fruit and the song! Both are just so indescribably irresistible, I guess. And with this recipe, you don't have to be guilty about eating a lot of it. You see, this low-fat dessert only has 6g of fat and 144 calories. So eat up, health freaks!

5. Tiramisu

The first time I tasted this unbelievably yummy dessert, I thought it was “heaven” in a bowl. I just love, love, love it! And with this recipe, you'd love, love, love it even more than I do because it only has 9g of total fat, 175 calories, and barely has any sugar while tasting as heavenly as the original recipe. It's simply amazing!

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6. Butterfinger Ice Cream

It's actually quite hard to find good ice cream that's diabetic-friendly. I had the occasion to find some for a friend a few months ago because she got diabetic when she was pregnant. And frankly, it wasn't as good as the fatty sugary kind. But with this recipe, you get some super scrumptious frozen delight that is not only diabetic-friendly but also has only 8g of fat and 167 calories. Among the most incredible low-fat desserts, don't you think? And if that still doesn't convince you, just use some sugar-free condensed milk instead. It would still taste awesome.

7. Figgy Bars

This is another of those adorable low-fat desserts that is just perfect for company. It only has 1g of fat and 60 calories per serving, and it would go well with coffee or tea. Granted, this might take a little longer to prepare than the other desserts in this list. But it's worth the effort, believe me!

8. Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm just crazy over bananas. If I could, I would eat them during every meal and all those hours in between. This fruit is just super yummy and mighty healthy for our bodies that I simply could not imagine making a list of low-fat desserts and not include something with it. Lastly, choco chip cookies are among the most scrumptious desserts already, and if you make it with these equally yummy fruits, disappointment will never be an issue. One cookie only has 3g of fat and 66 calories... and it's also diabetic-friendly!

Desserts are usually the most anticipated part of any dinner. And who can blame people? When you hear the word “dessert”, you can't help but imagine a piece of yummy art that's both visually and gastronomically wonderful. Dessert equals happiness. Sadly, it usually also means too much sugar and too much fat, which eventually leads to not so desirable health problems. So to have low-fat desserts is sort of an incredible innovation that everyone should be introduced to. We should all start acting more responsibly and start taking care of our health. And we can start by baking low-fat desserts for dinner. Don't you agree? So, which low-fat desserts in this article would you bake first?

Top image source: eatthelove.com

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